Then Jesus said, 'I am light to the world and those who embrace me will experience life-giving light, and they will never walk in darkness'". John 8:12 (TPT) On the darkest night or in the midst of the deepest gloom, it can feel as if there is no hope, no light, no life, no clear way through. And yet, precious one, you have this pure and holy truth to hang on to—Jesus Himself is the Light of the World; a Light in the darkness for you. If you follow after Him, you will never stumble around, unsure or unaware. He Himself will illuminate your path and show you the beauty of the way He has prepared!
Jesus, the Author of Light, is present with us always, able to reveal the lies found in the shadows and the shame and drive them all away. In the sunrise of His love, you will see clearly, maybe for the first time ever, the beauty of who you really are—dispelling any doubt of His kind intentions towards you, or who you were created to be. His Light, the Light of Life, is meant to shine all around you and to shine within you too. It is a healing Light; burning up everything that is not a part of His original design, in the fire of His love. A redeeming Light; driving doubt and discouragement away. A transforming Light that pierces the darkness; restoring hope and making all things new. Chosen one, never fear the darkness, for the darkness has nothing in you! Jesus, your Love, your Life, your Light, is here. His glory is shining upon you even now, in the most breathtaking ways! You look so beautiful, dear one, in the light of His love. You look just as He imagined you to be—loved and lovely, made pure and holy. Apple of His eye, and joy of His heart, for all the world to see! Prayer: I thank You, precious Jesus that You are indeed the Light of the World, and the true and pure Light in my life too! Come in Your radiant glory and dispel the darkness all around—for me, for my family, and all the families of the world. That’s how great Your love is; overcoming, faithful, able, and true! Dearest Jesus, shine brighter than the noonday sun today, I pray. In every home, in every heart, let Your goodness and Your glory, shine through!