Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully”. 1 Peter 5:7 (AMPC) Do you have cares, responsibilities, or obligations that you cannot meet or fulfill? Gaps in your own life or empty places you worry you may have caused in the lives of others? In the quiet moments alone when your heart aches, do you wonder, “Will my family and those I love, be okay? What can I do to bring about change? How can I make it right? Will we make it through?”
Cherished child of God, if this is you, rest assured that Jesus is the One Who can handle it all. Shift those weights and worries unto Him and allow Him to handle them for you—re-working and re-building them in the process to something glorious and new! Difficult circumstances, concerns, needs, and fears, are all transformed in the strong and capable hands of your Saviour; His ever-present help is always there. He knows the burdens you bear; the situations that weigh so heavily upon you. The scars you carry and how they got there. Truly, divinely loved one, He knows. His full intention, if you will allow Him, is to work all things out for good, in ways that you may not fully see now, but will be life to you, and life to those you care for, too. He knows every detail and how it compares to God’s original design. He knows how to make it right—how to make it better—how to turn it all around. His loving gaze is upon you always, and dear heart, you must allow Him to carry these weights and worries for you, as only He can do—for truly, deeply, passionately, continually—He cares for you. Prayer: Jesus, I confess that I so often carry things that are too heavy for me, trying to make it better. Trying to make it all come out right. I know it is not the best thing, Lord, especially when You are asking, and offering to take it all for me, and to make it better in ways I could not possibly do. Today, Lord, I surrender afresh to Your love. I release these worries and the weights, and I look to You. Come, Lord Jesus, Saviour of the world. Bring Your healing power and Your saving grace to my world, too! In Your Holy and Precious Name, I pray.