Hear and answer me, O Lord, for Your loving-kindness is sweet and comforting; according to Your plenteous tender mercy and steadfast love turn to me”. Psalm 69:16 (AMPC) When we do things in life we wish we had not done, or wished we had known not to do, the shame or regret may cause us to run away and hide, from ourselves and from others. If we can’t feel good about what happened, how will anyone else?
And yet, even in the worst of the worst of circumstances, whatever that may be, God will not turn away from you. In fact, He asks you to run to Him, to hide in Him, to let Him help you walk, and work, your way out of whatever situation you find yourself in. He knows how you got there, and He knows how to lead, encourage, and see you through. Trust Him, brave heart. Place your entire life, including what may feel like messes and mistakes, into His devoted care. He will never let you go for He is on your side always and He knows exactly what to do. Know always that as you turn to Him, He is already turning towards you! Prayer: It’s so hard to imagine, Lord, that I could mess things up, and You would come in Your kindness and fix them up! Such good news is so hard to understand but I am so grateful for it all. Even when others turn away, or I turn away from myself, You never do. Would you meet me, Precious Holy Spirit, in the midst of the messes? In the trials and the temptations, and would You show me what to do? Instead of running away today, with all that worries me and weighs me down, I run to You. I run to Your love. I run to Your loving care, for Lord, You have promised, You are running towards me too! No one can love like You do, Lord, sweet and comforting. Steadfast and true. No one ever can Poppa. No one ever will. With a grateful heart, filled with worship and praise, I pray.